Help with moving gates

Okay so i am having problems with my gates so its the Gates outside the PD there is 2 of them sitting next to them that look like this -- so when they lift up they rotate around while lifting and they both sit like this | | I just want the to go straight up without turning but can't seem to get it, i can let you log on and have a look. and use TV to show you the whole Script as the reception one is wrong too but i will post that one when this one is fixed.

PHP код:
Flspdgatestate == 0)
format(string,sizeof(string), "* %s uses %s remote to open the gates of the LSPD."PlayerNameEx(playerid), HisHer(playerid));
MoveDynamicObject(flspdgate[0], 1545.00, -1626.201978.437.0);
MoveDynamicObject(flspdgate[1], 1545.00, -1631.6619878.437.0);
Flspdgatestate 1;
format(string,sizeof(string), "* %s uses %s remote to close the gates of the LSPD."PlayerNameEx(playerid), HisHer(playerid));
MoveDynamicObject(flspdgate[0], 1545.00, -1626.2013.437.0);
MoveDynamicObject(flspdgate[1], 1545.00, -1631.6613.437.0);
Flspdgatestate 0;

Messages In This Thread
Help with moving gates - by GGRP - 13.08.2012, 20:21
Re: Help with moving gates - by GGRP - 13.08.2012, 22:28
Re: Help with moving gates - by telmo_ferreira - 13.08.2012, 23:38
Re: Help with moving gates - by GGRP - 16.08.2012, 20:33
Re: Help with moving gates - by Naruto_Emilio - 16.08.2012, 21:54

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