0.2X - Linux ;]


I have a serious problem ;] My Internet connection doesn't work on Windows [ heh, i don't know why xD ], so i am working on Ubuntu.

I have SAMP 0.2X and GTA:SA on my Linux Desktop. On WINE everything is working, but I cant execute gta_sa.exe from SAMP when I want to connect to the server...

It's like that: Clikcing on server, clicking "connect" and... nothing.

And my question is: How to open gta_sa.exe from SAMP on WINE...?

GTA:SA is working nicely on newest WINE and latest nVidia drivers for Linux. SAMP... not bad, but when I'm closing program it causes many, many errors, so I must restart deamon ;]

any suggestions for me?

BTW: Sorry for my English - It's not my most used language

Messages In This Thread
0.2X - Linux ;] - by JonathanSmith - 01.01.2009, 05:14
Re: 0.2X - Linux ;] - by bzuco - 01.01.2009, 06:46
Re: 0.2X - Linux ;] - by JaTochNietDan - 01.01.2009, 07:03
Re: 0.2X - Linux ;] - by Mikep - 01.01.2009, 07:25
Re: 0.2X - Linux ;] - by bzuco - 01.01.2009, 07:30
Re: 0.2X - Linux ;] - by Nummi - 01.01.2009, 08:59
Re: 0.2X - Linux ;] - by sebihunter - 01.01.2009, 09:28
Re: 0.2X - Linux ;] - by KingJ - 01.01.2009, 10:44

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