
You can save it like this, look.
#define MAX_ITEMS 10 // the ammount of items you have.

new items[MAX_ITEMS][1]; // crate the variable in which you can save the objects.

for(new i = 0; i < MAX_ITEMS; i++) // This code will add an item to a un-used slot.
      if(items[i][0] == 0)
             items[1][0] = 1;

Messages In This Thread
PlayerAttachedObject. - by TaLhA XIV - 12.08.2012, 19:51
Re: PlayerAttachedObject. - by TaLhA XIV - 12.08.2012, 20:01
Re: PlayerAttachedObject. - by Shetch - 12.08.2012, 20:03
Re: PlayerAttachedObject. - by TaLhA XIV - 12.08.2012, 20:05

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