optimize timer

More timers with different intervals with small bits of code is better than one big timer with lots of code in terms of sync. The server can only do one thing at a time, so while it is executing the timer it is not syncing players.

Messages In This Thread
optimize timers? - by Kyra - 06.08.2012, 03:17
Re: optimize timer - by Jikesh - 06.08.2012, 04:51
Re: optimize timer - by SuperViper - 06.08.2012, 05:38
Re: optimize timer - by ReneG - 06.08.2012, 05:54
Re : optimize timer - by Kyra - 06.08.2012, 13:43
Re: optimize timer - by Vince - 06.08.2012, 14:15
Re : optimize timer - by Kyra - 06.08.2012, 14:20
Re : optimize timer - by Kyra - 06.08.2012, 22:19

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