[Include] [INC] Hot air balloon (flying system)

What is this?
This is a script which allows you to fly on the hot air balloon-objects. It can be useful if you want to have some fun.


- ****** for foreach & GetXYInFrontOfPlayer functions,
- ZeeX for zcmd command processor.

How to install?
It's easy and simple - download and put the hab.inc into the \pawno\include\ folder and do the same thing with the foreach.inc and zcmd.inc file.
Open your script and put this:
pawn Код:
#include <foreach>
#include <zcmd>
#include <hab>
right after the
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
Put the balloons in the OnGameModeInit callback.
pawn Код:
CreateHotAirBalloon(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz = 0.0);

CreateHotAirBalloon(1, 1461.8, -2544.3, 12.51, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
CreateHotAirBalloon(2, 1511.8, -2544.3, 12.51, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
CreateHotAirBalloon(5, 1561.8, -2544.3, 12.51, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
CreateHotAirBalloon(3, 1731.8, -2544.3, 12.51, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
CreateHotAirBalloon(7, 1791.8, -2544.3, 12.51, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
These 5 balloons are located at the Los Santos Airport. Here are the spawn coordinates:
pawn Код:
1560.0, -2530.0, 13.547

Adds the hot air balloon to the server.
@modelid = Model-ID of the balloon - valid model-IDs are from 1 to 7.
@Float: x = Balloon spawn X position.
@Float: y = Balloon spawn Y position.
@Float: z = Balloon spawn Z position.
@Float: rx = Balloon spawn X rotation.
@Float: ry = Balloon spawn Y rotation.
@Float: rz = Balloon spawn Z rotation.
returns the balloon ID which starts with 0. If you exceed the MAX_HOT_AIR_BALLOONS define then it will return the invalid ID which is -1.
pawn Код:
        gBalloon = -1;

public OnGameModeInit()
    gBalloon = CreateHotAirBalloon(1, 1461.8, -2544.3, 12.51, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return true;
Deletes the hot air balloon from the server.
@habid = The balloon ID.
returns true if the balloon is valid and false if it's not.
pawn Код:
Checks if hot air balloon is created.
@habid = The balloon ID.
returns true if the balloon is valid and false if it's not.
pawn Код:
if(IsHotAirBalloonCreated(gBalloon)) printf("Balloon is created.");
else printf("Balloon is NOT created.");
Stops the hot air balloon.
@habid = The balloon ID.
returns true if the balloon is valid and false if it's not.
pawn Код:
Re-spawns the hot air balloon.
@habid = The balloon ID.
returns true if the balloon is valid and false if it's not.
pawn Код:
Sets the speed of the hot air balloon.
@habid = The balloon ID.
@balloonspeed = The speed to set for the balloon.
returns true if the balloon is valid and false if it's not.
If the you set the speed which is higher than MAX_HOT_AIR_BALLOON_SPEED, then the function will automatically set it to the MAX_HOT_AIR_BALLOON_SPEED.
This will set the speed of the balloon to 3.5:
pawn Код:
SetHotAirBalloonSpeed(gBalloon, 3.5);
This will set the speed of the balloon to the maximum (which is defined with MAX_HOT_AIR_BALLOON_SPEED):
pawn Код:
Checks if player is near the hot air balloon.
@playerid = The ID of the player.
@habid = The balloon ID.
returns true if the player is near the balloon and false if he isn't.
pawn Код:
if(IsPlayerAtHotAirBalloon(playerid, gBalloon)) printf("Player is near the balloon with ID %i.", gBalloon);
else printf("Player is NOT near the balloon with ID %i.", gBalloon);
Checks if player is near any hot air balloon.
@playerid = The ID of the player.
returns ID of the balloon which stars with 0 if player is near any balloon and -1 is he's not.
pawn Код:
        gBalloon = IsPlayerAtAnyHotAirBalloon(playerid);

if(gBalloon != -1) printf("Player is near the balloon with ID %i.", gBalloon);
else printf("Player is NOT near any balloon.");

pawn Код:
MAX_HOT_AIR_BALLOONS - The maximum amount of balloons allowed for script to load on the server.
MAX_HOT_AIR_BALLOON_SPEED - The maximum speed of the balloon. It shouldn't be too big.

How to get coordinates for balloons?
I myself am using JernejL's REAL Map Editor, in which I place the hot air balloon objects (IDs: from 19332 to 19338 ID) where I want to have them. This Map Editor is not for people with weak computers, so if you have a weak computer, you can use any other Map Editor which supports new 0.3e objects such as these hot air balloons. The z rotation is the rotation of the balloon.


If you want to start with the flying, then get near the balloon (jump inside of it) and use the "/balloon" command. If you want to stop with the flying, then use the "/balloon" command once again.

Use keys (arrow UP, arrow DOWN, arrow LEFT, arrow RIGHT, JUMP and SPRINT) to control the balloon's movement:
arrow UP = forward
arrow DOWN = stopping
arrow LEFT = turn left
arrow RIGHT = turn right
JUMP = go up
SPRINT = go down

When you delete the last balloon then the timer will stop so you don't have to do anything, and when you add the first balloon then it will start again.

If you fall of from the balloon, then the balloon will automatically re-spawn. It will also automatically re-spawn if you fly into the object (example - mountain).

There is a height limit (z coordinate) in the include:
- Limit of lowest height is 2.0,
- limit of highest height is 700.0.

Messages In This Thread
[INC] Hot air balloon (flying system) - by Correlli - 03.08.2012, 22:13
Re: [INC] Hot air balloon (flying system) - by [P4] - 03.08.2012, 22:15
Re: [INC] Hot air balloon (flying system) - by Kaperstone - 03.08.2012, 22:22
Re: [INC] Hot air balloon (flying system) - by FireCat - 03.08.2012, 22:23
Re: [INC] Hot air balloon (flying system) - by Correlli - 03.08.2012, 22:45
Re: [INC] Hot air balloon (flying system) - by [P4] - 03.08.2012, 23:24
Re: [INC] Hot air balloon (flying system) - by Correlli - 03.08.2012, 23:34
Re: [INC] Hot air balloon (flying system) - by morris91 - 04.08.2012, 01:21
AW: [INC] Hot air balloon (flying system) - by BiosMarcel - 01.09.2012, 15:06
Re: [INC] Hot air balloon (flying system) - by Memoryz - 20.09.2012, 23:42

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