Why is the error message to working?

Originally Posted by Sniper Kitty
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3 < strlen(Input) < 100

Usually works, I wonder why it didn't this time.
Thanks, you helped me solve it.
In your first post you had:
"if(3 > strlen(Input) > 100) { "
what means that if you enter over 100 character it only work.
What you want even to achieve with this?

Messages In This Thread
Why is the error message to working? - by Sniper Kitty - 03.08.2012, 06:42
Re: Why is the error message to working? - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 03.08.2012, 06:50
Re: Why is the error message to working? - by Sniper Kitty - 03.08.2012, 06:55
Re: Why is the error message to working? - by BrandyPenguin - 03.08.2012, 07:32

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