Cuff doesnt work properly

Are you sure the targetid don't got the max objects on himself when trying to give him another?

(from the wiki): Note: This function is seperate from the CreateObject / CreatePlayerObject pools.

You don't have to use CreateObject before atatching the object, everyone have 10 slots for attatchedobjects, use the function properly and it will work

Edit: Here's the working attatchedobject code anyways:

SetPlayerAttachedObject(id,5,19418/*[I CHANGED THIS TO THE MODELID]*/, 6, -0.011000, 0.028000, -0.022000, -15.600012, -33.699977,-81.700035, 0.891999, 1.000000, 1.168000);

Messages In This Thread
Cuff doesnt work properly - by jtemple042996 - 02.08.2012, 14:14
Re: Cuff doesnt work properly - by Ranama - 02.08.2012, 14:33

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