02.08.2012, 06:51
Alright I'm trying to make orgs for my RP gamemode But when I try and compile I get these errors. I believe they're related to my yini save system
here are the corresponding codes
I'm trying to read the names of the org leaders and save it to a 2D array 'Organization'.
~~~~~~~~~.pwn(332) : error 017: undefined symbol "name" ~~~~~~~~~.pwn(332) : error 017: undefined symbol "value"
pawn Code:
for (new i=1;i<OrgsCount+1;i++)
new INI:File = INI_Open(orgs/org_leaders.ini);
format(part2,sizeof(part2),"\"%d\"", i);
INI_String(part2,Organization[i][Leader],50); // THIS IS LINE 332