how important are textdaw tags?

You do not need to include PlayerText in front of every single statement. (If correct) That simply states that the variable that is created will be used for a Player Textdraw.

Messages In This Thread
how important are textdaw tags? - by DeathTone - 30.07.2012, 01:30
Re: how important are textdaw tags? - by Kindred - 30.07.2012, 01:48
Re: how important are textdaw tags? - by DeathTone - 30.07.2012, 02:00
Re: how important are textdaw tags? - by Kindred - 30.07.2012, 02:05
Re: how important are textdaw tags? - by DeathTone - 30.07.2012, 02:35
Re: how important are textdaw tags? - by SuperViper - 30.07.2012, 02:44

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