Originally Posted by Anonym2009
You have to create a textdraw for each player!
For ex:
pawn Код:
new StatsLevel[MAX_PLAYERS];
StatsLevel[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(440.000000,388.000000, " "); TextDrawAlignment(StatsLevel[playerid], 2); TextDrawBackgroundColor(StatsLevel[playerid], 255); TextDrawFont(StatsLevel[playerid], 2); TextDrawLetterSize(StatsLevel[playerid], 0.160000, 0.599999); TextDrawColor(StatsLevel[playerid], 0xE81010FF); TextDrawSetOutline(StatsLevel[playerid], 1); TextDrawSetProportional(StatsLevel[playerid], 1);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, StatsLevel[playerid]); format(string, sizeof string, "LEVEL: %d", PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel]); TextDrawSetString(StatsLevel[playerid], string);
No, no, no. Don't do this. There is a limit of 2048 TextDraws. If you do this way, you will lose 500 of them, and that's 1/4 of the maximum.
Use PlayerTextdraws. They are made for this reason!