[RP]Some questions about MySQL vehicle system

I found that many Role-Play gamemodes determine a vehicle is whether a cop car like this
public IsACopCar(carid)
	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(copcar); i++)
		if(carid == copcar[i])	return 1;
	return 0;
and create a cop car like this
new copcar[37];
	copcar[1] = AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1574.4703,-1710.9795,5.6115,0.4220, -1, -1, 30000); 
	copcar[2] = AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1587.4816,-1710.3594,5.6104,358.9421,-1, -1, 30000);
And my problem is how to use MySQL to create some cop cars?

Messages In This Thread
[RP]Some questions about MySQL vehicle system - by Soap_MacTavish - 26.07.2012, 15:59
Re: [RP]Some questions about MySQL vehicle system - by Jstylezzz - 26.07.2012, 16:00
Re: [RP]Some questions about MySQL vehicle system - by Soap_MacTavish - 26.07.2012, 16:37

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