Multithreaded PAWN using just standard NPCs

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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An usage example would be path finding with lots of nodes. This might take several 100ms or even seconds and so cant be used efficiently. Putting this in a NPC process is no problem then, you just need to wait for it to finish.
Node data needs to be reloaded in the NPC script which wastes some RAM but I think thats worth the speed boost.
I recently finished a GPS script that uses A* for path finding, it runs between 40-60ms each route, the only exception being if it can't find a path and is forced to check all nodes in which case it takes about 400ms.
This is a long time for a script to run however I feel it could be greatly optimized if some one with more path finding knowledge was to work on it.
For example the nodes in gta are split into 64 sections, I believe these grids were used initially to create a rough path and then it would be refined more.

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