[Include] PVar Arrays - dynamic per-player memory

PVar Arrays

This include is based on PVars and can be used as per-player arrays with dynamic size.

Regular per-player arrays, such as

pawn Code:
new HouseKeys[MAX_PLAYERS][5];
must have a fixed size (5). It will always use MAX_PLAYERS * 5 cells of memory, even for slots that your script doesn't use.

PVar Arrays however, use memory only for slots that are used and don't need a max size limit.

Doing something like

pawn Code:
HouseKeys[playerid][2] = houseid;
is equivalent to

pawn Code:
SetPVarArrayInt(playerid, "HouseKeys", 2, houseid);
when using PVar Arrays.

You can also add data to the dynamic array, without knowing the index

pawn Code:
new slot = AddToPVarArrayInt(playerid, "HouseKeys", houseid);
The amount of elements you can have in the dynamic array is basically unlimited.

Looping all slots:

pawn Code:
PVA_Loop(playerid, "HouseKeys", i)
    if(GetPVarArrayInt(playerid, "HouseKeys", i) == houseid)
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have the keys for this house");
PVar Arrays have all the properties that PVars have (shared across scripts, automatically deleted when player leaves the server etc).

PVar Arrays can be used to save house keys, vehicle IDs, phone numbers, notes etc.


Functions and examples of usage

SetPVarArrayInt(playerid, varname[], index, int_value)
pawn Code:
SetPVarArrayInt(playerid, "HouseKeys", 2, houseid);
GetPVarArrayInt(playerid, varname[], index)
pawn Code:
new houseid = GetPVarArrayInt(playerid, "HouseKeys", 2);
SetPVarArrayString(playerid, varname[], index, string_value[])
pawn Code:
SetPVarArrayString(playerid, "Notes", 1, "this a note");
GetPVarArrayString(playerid, varname[], index, string_return[], len)
pawn Code:
new notetext[128];
GetPVarArrayString(playerid, "Notes", 1, notetext, sizeof(notetext));
SetPVarArrayFloat(playerid, varname[], index, Float:float_value)
pawn Code:
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
SetPVarArrayFloat(playerid, "Pos", 0, x);
SetPVarArrayFloat(playerid, "Pos", 1, y);
SetPVarArrayFloat(playerid, "Pos", 2, z);
Float:GetPVarArrayFloat(playerid, varname[], index)
pawn Code:
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
x = GetPVarArrayFloat(playerid, "Pos", 0);
y = GetPVarArrayFloat(playerid, "Pos", 1);
z = GetPVarArrayFloat(playerid, "Pos", 2);
IsPVarArraySlotUsed(playerid, varname[], index)
pawn Code:
if(!IsPVarArraySlotUsed(playerid, "HouseKeys", 2))
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You don't have a house key on slot 2");
GetPVarArraySize(playerid, varname[])
pawn Code:
new housekeys = GetPVarArraySize(playerid, "HouseKeys"); // returns the number of elements in "HouseKeys" array
printf("Player ID %d has %d house keys", playerid, housekeys);
AddToPVarArrayInt(playerid, varname[], int_value)
pawn Code:
new slot = AddToPVarArrayInt(playerid, "HouseKeys", houseid);
AddToPVarArrayString(playerid, varname[], string_value[])
pawn Code:
new slot = AddToPVarArrayString(playerid, "Notes", "another note");
AddToPVarArrayFloat(playerid, varname[], Float:float_value)
pawn Code:
new slot = AddToPVarArrayFloat(playerid, "Offsets", 123.456);
DeletePVarArray(playerid, varname[], index = -1)
pawn Code:
DeletePVarArray(playerid, "HouseKeys"); // deletes all house keys from player
pawn Code:
DeletePVarArray(playerid, "HouseKeys", 2); // deletes house key from slot 2

Variable names (varname[]) should not be longer than 50 characters.

Like regular arrays, PVar Array indexes start from 0 (0,1,2,3,...).



1. Download the script from Pastebin
2. Rename it to "pvararray.inc"
3. Place it to ..\pawno\include\ folder
4. Include it in your script

pawn Code:
#include <pvararray>

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