SAMP CPU usage

i want to mention that as soon your CPU usage goes upto 100%, it will simply run the script on slower speed: the server will send all data to players with some delay, and the data sent from players to the server will get processed at a later time aswell.
like if some players are racing, then the checkpoints will popup later, and when entering a checkpoint, it will get recognized at later time..
the most lag causing routines are player-loops - they can get called quite often (let 500 players type /wave in the same second).

Messages In This Thread
SAMP CPU usage - by Siedler - 25.07.2012, 14:32
Re: SAMP CPU usage - by lsfmd - 25.07.2012, 14:36
Re: SAMP CPU usage - by Alex Valdez - 25.07.2012, 14:37
AW: Re: SAMP CPU usage - by Siedler - 25.07.2012, 14:40
Re: AW: Re: SAMP CPU usage - by iLinx - 25.07.2012, 15:20
Re: SAMP CPU usage - by Babul - 25.07.2012, 15:27
AW: SAMP CPU usage - by Siedler - 27.07.2012, 16:08
Re: SAMP CPU usage - by ColorHost-Kevin - 27.07.2012, 16:46
AW: Re: SAMP CPU usage - by Siedler - 27.07.2012, 17:22
Re: SAMP CPU usage - by Jake187 - 28.07.2012, 10:32

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