Rain through building fix

First I don't know if this should go in the scripting section, so I apologize if it isn't in the right section.
I've ******d it tons of times before and I can never find anything, but is there a fix to stop rain from going through solid objects?

Messages In This Thread
Rain through building fix - by glbracer - 23.07.2012, 20:09
Re: Rain through building fix - by Vince - 23.07.2012, 20:29
Re: Rain through building fix - by glbracer - 23.07.2012, 20:40
Re: Rain through building fix - by Shaneisace - 24.07.2012, 00:22
Respuesta: Rain through building fix - by [DOG]irinel1996 - 24.07.2012, 00:59

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