
Originally Posted by xkirill
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because you're paying for the name of the company too...
As more famous the company is,as more expensive it will be.
Just for company namenah it must be something other...I don`t know but If I need to pay just for company name then Asus and other can make it expensive more then apple...something other must be...But still don`t know why..

Messages In This Thread
Apple - by Sanady - 23.07.2012, 16:50
Re: Apple - by Kaperstone - 23.07.2012, 16:51
Re: Apple - by Sanady - 23.07.2012, 16:54
Re: Apple - by Lenart - 23.07.2012, 16:57
Re: Apple - by [P4] - 23.07.2012, 16:59
Re: Apple - by Sanady - 23.07.2012, 17:09
Re: Apple - by Calgon - 23.07.2012, 17:20
Re: Apple - by Sanady - 23.07.2012, 17:25
AW: Re: Apple - by Drebin - 23.07.2012, 21:51
Re: AW: Re: Apple - by Sanady - 23.07.2012, 22:22

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