I'm a pain in the ass.

Try this
pawn Код:
    #define MAX_REMOVED_OBJECTS 100

enum RemovedObjectsENUM {_model, Float:_oX, Float:_oY, Float:_oZ, Float:_orX, Float:_orY, Float:_orZ, Float:_oRadius, restored}
new RemovedObjects[MAX_REMOVED_OBJECTS][RemovedObjectsENUM];

native RemoveBuilding(modelid, Float:oX, Float:oY, Float:oZ, Float:oRadius = 0.25, Float:orX = 0.0, Float:orY = 0.0, Float:orZ = 0.0);
native RestoreBuilding(slotid);
native RemoveSpecificBuilding(modelid);

native CountRemovedObjects();

stock RemoveBuilding(modelid, Float:oX, Float:oY, Float:oZ, Float:oRadius = 0.25, Float:orX = 0.0, Float:orY = 0.0, Float:orZ = 0.0)
    for(new i; i < MAX_REMOVED_OBJECTS; i++)
        if(RemovedObjects[i][_model] != modelid) continue;
        if(RemovedObjects[i][restored] != 0)
            if((RemovedObjects[i][_oX] == oX) && (RemovedObjects[i][_oY] == oY) && (RemovedObjects[i][_oZ] == oZ))
                RemovedObjects[i][restored] = 0;
                RemovedObjects[i][_model] = 0;
                return i;

    new slot = GetObjectFreeSlot();
    if(slot == -1) return printf("\tCannot remove any more objects.\nIncrease MAX_REMOVED_OBJECTS in your script.\nIt is currently: %i", MAX_REMOVED_OBJECTS);
    RemovedObjects[slot][_model] = modelid;
    RemovedObjects[slot][_oX] = oX;
    RemovedObjects[slot][_oY] = oY;
    RemovedObjects[slot][_oZ] = oZ;
    RemovedObjects[slot][_oRadius] = oRadius;

    RemovedObjects[slot][_orX] = orX;
    RemovedObjects[slot][_orY] = orY;
    RemovedObjects[slot][_orZ] = orZ;

    for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
        RemoveBuildingForPlayer(i, modelid, oX, oY, oZ, oRadius);
    return slot;

stock RestoreBuilding(slotid)
    if(slotid < 0 || slotid > MAX_REMOVED_OBJECTS) return 0;
    if(RemovedObjects[slotid][_model] == 0) return 0;
    RemovedObjects[slotid][restored] = CreateObject(RemovedObjects[slotid][_model], RemovedObjects[slotid][_oX], RemovedObjects[slotid][_oY], RemovedObjects[slotid][_oZ], RemovedObjects[slotid][_orX], RemovedObjects[slotid][_orY], RemovedObjects[slotid][_orZ]);
    return RemovedObjects[slotid][restored];

stock RemoveSpecificBuilding(modelid)
    return RemoveBuilding(modelid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10000.0);

forward REMOBJ_OnPlayerConnect(playerid);
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    for(new i; i < MAX_REMOVED_OBJECTS; i++)
        if(RemovedObjects[i][_model] != 0) RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, RemovedObjects[i][_model], RemovedObjects[i][_oX], RemovedObjects[i][_oY], RemovedObjects[i][_oZ], RemovedObjects[i][_oRadius]);
    if(funcidx("REMOBJ_OnPlayerConnect") != -1) CallLocalFunction("REMOBJ_OnPlayerConnect", "i", playerid);
    return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
    #undef OnPlayerConnect
    #define _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#define OnPlayerConnect REMOBJ_OnPlayerConnect

stock GetObjectFreeSlot()
    for(new i; i < MAX_REMOVED_OBJECTS; i++)
        if(RemovedObjects[i][_model] == 0) return i;
    return -1;

stock CountRemovedObjects()
    new count = 0;
    for(new i; i < MAX_REMOVED_OBJECTS; i++)
        if(RemovedObjects[i][_model] != 0) count++;
    return count;

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if (strcmp("/enter", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 1.0, 172.66, -152.10, 1.72)) // checks if in range of the /enter point
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, 170.75, -153.94, 1.81); //Sets there new position
        RemoveObjectVar = RemoveBuilding(13200, 158.3594, -176.3047, 5.5703,0.25,0,0,0);
        RemoveObjectVar2 = RemoveBuilding(12923, 158.3594, -176.3047, 5.5703,0.25,0,0,0);
        return 1;
   if (strcmp("/exit", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 1.0, 170.85, -153.85, 1.48)) // Checks if near the exit door
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, 172.24, -152.26, 1.81);
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
I'm a pain in the ass. - by Peter Alex - 22.07.2012, 11:39
Re: I'm a pain in the ass. - by doreto - 22.07.2012, 11:44
Re: I'm a pain in the ass. - by Peter Alex - 22.07.2012, 11:44
Re: I'm a pain in the ass. - by doreto - 22.07.2012, 11:49
Re: I'm a pain in the ass. - by Peter Alex - 22.07.2012, 11:49
Re: I'm a pain in the ass. - by doreto - 22.07.2012, 11:55
Re: I'm a pain in the ass. - by Peter Alex - 22.07.2012, 11:57
Re: I'm a pain in the ass. - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 22.07.2012, 12:04
Re: I'm a pain in the ass. - by Peter Alex - 22.07.2012, 12:09
Re: I'm a pain in the ass. - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 22.07.2012, 12:19

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