24.12.2008, 01:39
Originally Posted by LightFight™
I have never tried it before
Change the line Code:
PlayerInfo[playerid][pModel] = 256 Code:
PlayerInfo[playerid][pModel] = Peds[playerid][0]; |
because if so, its already there :
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid) { new string[128]; PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1183, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); PlayerInfo[playerid][pModel] = Peds[classid][0]; SetPlayerTeamFromClass(playerid,classid); SetupPlayerForClassSelection(playerid); if (classid == 1) { format(string, sizeof(string), " ~w~]]Unemployed]]~n~~r~]]Civilian]]"); GameTextForPlayer(playerid,string,3500,5); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~]]Unemployed]]~n~~r~]]Civilian]]"); GameTextForPlayer(playerid,string,3500,5); } return 1; }But do i have to put every skinid in peds there?