Desync of attached objects, stream?

Requested by Jernejl,
I've uploaded this script for you, so you can test it yourself, you can do this alone too.

/shipobject makes a normal ship, with CreateObjects.
/shipdynamicobject makes a dynamic ship, with CreateDynamicObject.

* Baboon slaps yourself up on one ship (remember which one it is) and do /savepos, move a bit around and then do /pos, you will get teleported on the ship you were on. If this is the normal ship, everything is fine, but when you do the same with the dynamic ship, you get these weird velocity problems. around a bit with a large trout.

Apart from that I've also added a /spawn command.

Messages In This Thread
Surfing object bug (attached objects) - by Baboon - 19.07.2012, 00:20
Re: Desync of attached objects, stream? - by [Twixx] - 19.07.2012, 21:26
Re: Object surfing bug (attached objects) - by Baboon - 19.07.2012, 21:32
Re: Desync of attached objects, stream? - by Rudy_ - 20.07.2012, 04:06
Re: Desync of attached objects, stream? - by Baboon - 20.07.2012, 09:31
surfing bug, found what's wrong. - by Baboon - 20.07.2012, 20:58
Re: Desync of attached objects, stream? - by Rudy_ - 21.07.2012, 06:48
Re: Desync of attached objects, stream? - by Baboon - 21.07.2012, 09:19
Re: Desync of attached objects, stream? - by Baboon - 21.07.2012, 11:16
Re: Desync of attached objects, stream? - by ShOoBy - 15.08.2012, 15:23

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