[FilterScript] Random Message System [CHR0NICALLY WEED MADE]

Random Messages System. For servers that needs random messages to help the players understand more about the server and help them when theres a problem. It sends 1 random message to all the Players.

DOWNLOADD: http://pastebin.com/6qukSegi

Change the time of the Message

#define MESSAGE_TIME 70

How to create more Messages?

	AddRandomMessage("Your msg here");
                //You must add one of these^
Then add how many Messages are there

#define CURRENT_MESSAGES 9 // Make this the number of messages you have. It must be correct.
How to change the time on which every message is Sent?

#define MESSAGE_TIME 70 //Change This to How many seconds YOU want for a message to be sent.
//I suggest 50.

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