21.07.2012, 08:29
The "entry/exit problem" discussed here is very important i agree making the swing doors for owners and static doors (blocking with same texture) for others seems smart.
- Have three objects for each house.
- One to block the front side of the door (invisible)
- One to block the back (invisible)
- The swingy door itself.
I've gotten up to a point where a door can be created in front of a player with both objects (invisble walls that act as locks) with GetXYInFrontOfPlayer, but I haven't figured out the math to align the door directly in the center between the locks. I honestly am clueless when it comes to that kind of math in a scripting language.
- Checking if the player is in the area of the door and if they are walking towards it.
EDIT 2: Anyone feel like going around re-mapping all the houses with the ones cessil added? :P