Server crashs whenever I type anything

Originally Posted by WackoX
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Other then you're wasting a lot of lines and resources by repeating everything unnecessary i don't see anything wrong.

Show us the function stringContainsIP, does it require a plugin?
pawn Код:
stock stringContainsIP(string[])
    for(new i; string[i] != EOS; ++i)
        if(('0' <= string[i] <= '9') || string[i] == '.' || string[i] == ':')
            if((string[i] == '.') && (string[i + 1] != '.') && ('0' <= string[i - 1] <= '9'))
    return (dotCount > 2);

Messages In This Thread
Server crashs whenever I type anything - by DaNo - 21.07.2012, 06:09
Re: Server crashs whenever I type anything - by Kindred - 21.07.2012, 06:19
Re: Server crashs whenever I type anything - by DaNo - 21.07.2012, 06:22
Re: Server crashs whenever I type anything - by WackoX - 21.07.2012, 06:41
Re: Server crashs whenever I type anything - by DaNo - 21.07.2012, 06:42
Re: Server crashs whenever I type anything - by DaNo - 21.07.2012, 06:55
Respuesta: Server crashs whenever I type anything - by [Cali]ChrOnic_T - 21.07.2012, 06:58
Re: Server crashs whenever I type anything - by JaKe Elite - 21.07.2012, 07:00
Re: Server crashs whenever I type anything - by DaNo - 21.07.2012, 07:02
Re: Server crashs whenever I type anything - by DaNo - 21.07.2012, 08:15

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