17.07.2012, 12:32
Check this : http://gtamap.delux-host.com/converter/
Add This :
In the First Box - Then Click on "Pawn Code for SA:MP" and then "Convert"
- Now open your script and Put the "CreateObject(bla bla);
Under your OnGameModeInIt.
Add This :
PHP код:
<map edf:definitions="editor_main">
<marker id="marker (cylinder) (1)" type="cylinder" color="#0000ff99" size="1" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="-2161.3999023438" posY="-2384.8999023438" posZ="29.699998855591" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"></marker>
- Now open your script and Put the "CreateObject(bla bla);
Under your OnGameModeInIt.