Making the server auto-restart on crash and restarting with admin command

If you get DDoSed there is no possible way of getting to come back up instanly, if its a bot attack, which makes your server lag just goto your panel and press restart.

Messages In This Thread
Making the server auto-restart on crash and restarting with admin command - by TheDeath - 16.07.2012, 18:34
Re: Making the server auto-restart on crash and restarting with admin command - by HyDrAtIc - 16.07.2012, 21:27
Re: Making the server auto-restart on crash and restarting with admin command - by TrollCopter - 16.07.2012, 22:22
Re: Making the server auto-restart on crash and restarting with admin command - by RXservers - 16.07.2012, 22:37

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