server help please


Can you please post your server.cfg and if you think you have errors, please post here you server log text file. Sometimes antivirus/firewall programs does not allow incoming connections and programs. Or, it just takes time, before your server appears to "Internet" list.

Try to add to your favorites list and try to play. If you can play normally in your game mode, problem is in settings, or router.

Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
server help please - by djshaneere - 16.07.2012, 15:05
Re: server help please - by CrossUSAAF - 16.07.2012, 15:46
Re: server help please - by djshaneere - 16.07.2012, 16:27
Re: server help please - by HyDrAtIc - 16.07.2012, 16:28
Re: server help please - by djshaneere - 16.07.2012, 16:34
Re: server help please - by HyDrAtIc - 16.07.2012, 21:18

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