Help getting total time paused

I think I did something, that is kinda.. working.
I have this piece of code.

minutes[playerid] = seconds[playerid]/60;
seconds[playerid] %= 60;

format(stringlolo,sizeof(stringlolo),"Paused - %d:%02d",minutes[playerid],seconds[playerid]);
Pausetext[playerid] = Create3DTextLabel(stringlolo,0x640000FF,X, Y, Z,15.0,0);

format(stringlolo,sizeof(stringlolo),"Paused - %d:%02d",minutes[playerid],seconds[playerid]);

But I have a little problem, when the seconds reach 60, the minutes go to 1 like normally, but when the seconds go to 1 again, the minutes go back to 0 and I dont know why.
I want it so the minutes show too, but it seems not to be working.

Somebody please help, thanks for your reply RoXor btw, it helped me.

Messages In This Thread
Help getting total time paused - by Mishima - 12.07.2012, 23:17
Re: Help getting total time paused - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 13.07.2012, 02:21
Re: Help getting total time paused - by Mishima - 13.07.2012, 02:43
Re: Help getting total time paused - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 13.07.2012, 02:51
Re: Help getting total time paused - by Mishima - 13.07.2012, 03:06

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