Question about

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Its about these 3 functions: fclose, fwrite, fread

Bug section for them says: Crashes on an invalid handle.

I know fopen chashes when: If you use io_read and the file doesn't exist, the server will crash.
But i wonder, what about fwrite and fread functions. How can they crash the server?

And I also wonder, is there some other functions that can cause server crash (I mean, causing closing of server.exe file) if you know what I mean. I had some issues related to that recently so I hope someone can help me about that.

Messages In This Thread
Question about - by ZicMortal - 11.07.2012, 14:48
Re: Question about - by ZicMortal - 11.07.2012, 16:58
Re: Question about - by Vince - 11.07.2012, 17:03

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