Whirlpool not hashing

It's because you're mixing up the 1st and the 3rd parameter of WP_Hash, if I compared your usage of WP_Hash to the release topic's correctly.
pawn Код:
WP_Hash(hashedstring, sizeof hashedstring, string_to_be_hashed);
@Above: Doesn't solve anything, actually makes the problem even worse as UDB can easily be cracked (Whirlpool cannot (yet))

Messages In This Thread
Whirlpool not hashing - by SomebodyAndMe - 10.07.2012, 07:34
Re: Whirlpool not hashing - by SomebodyAndMe - 10.07.2012, 08:55
Re: Whirlpool not hashing - by SomebodyAndMe - 10.07.2012, 10:53
Re: Whirlpool not hashing - by Avi57 - 10.07.2012, 11:02
Re: Whirlpool not hashing - by Hiddos - 10.07.2012, 11:04
Re: Whirlpool not hashing - by ReneG - 10.07.2012, 11:09
Re: Whirlpool not hashing - by pyrodave - 10.07.2012, 11:14
Re: Whirlpool not hashing - by SomebodyAndMe - 10.07.2012, 11:17

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