Biggest star ever?

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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The universe is wide. And maybe its just part of something more giant.

No need to "take a picture". The suns size and look can be calculated by its emitted ray, and the effects of its gravity to other objects. Thats how modern astronomy works, theres almost no more looking through a telescope and drawing the nightsky.
If there's anything I learnt from my physics qualifications, is that you can use parallax to measure a stars size by using is colour (temperature), and it's brightness. Don't remember the equation though, which is a shame >.<

Messages In This Thread
Biggest star ever? - by FireCat - 10.07.2012, 08:13
Re: Biggest star ever? - by Danny - 10.07.2012, 08:19
Re: Biggest star ever? - by StrangeLove - 10.07.2012, 08:27
Re: Biggest star ever? - by bhaveshnande - 10.07.2012, 08:29
Re: Biggest star ever? - by FireCat - 10.07.2012, 08:31
Re: Biggest star ever? - by Danny - 10.07.2012, 08:32
Re: Biggest star ever? - by Mauzen - 10.07.2012, 08:33
Re: Biggest star ever? - by Silentfood - 10.07.2012, 08:37
Re: Biggest star ever? - by FireCat - 10.07.2012, 08:42
Re: Biggest star ever? - by Silentfood - 10.07.2012, 08:56

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