Building a gamemode with includes only?

No it wont, if you include some code it is extactly the same if you would copy paste the code into your mode

Maybe you check out this thread Gamemode Script Layout

Messages In This Thread
Building a gamemode with includes only? - by Gryphus One - 08.07.2012, 15:49
Re: Building a gamemode with includes only? - by Vince - 08.07.2012, 15:52
AW: Building a gamemode with includes only? - by Nero_3D - 08.07.2012, 16:11
Respuesta: Building a gamemode with includes only? - by Gryphus One - 08.07.2012, 16:24
AW: Building a gamemode with includes only? - by Nero_3D - 08.07.2012, 16:46
Respuesta: Building a gamemode with includes only? - by Gryphus One - 08.07.2012, 17:03
Re: Building a gamemode with includes only? - by Kiets - 08.07.2012, 17:34
Respuesta: Re: Building a gamemode with includes only? - by Gryphus One - 08.07.2012, 19:00

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