3D text question

Keep in mind, you may want a second person to do testing with.
Player 3DTextLables do not show for you, if they are attached to you.
So to make sure the positioning is correct, I suggest a 2nd player test with you.

Messages In This Thread
3D text question - by paddif - 07.07.2012, 23:19
Re: 3D text question - by Neil. - 07.07.2012, 23:22
AW: 3D text question - by paddif - 07.07.2012, 23:23
Re: 3D text question - by Lynn - 07.07.2012, 23:24
AW: 3D text question - by paddif - 07.07.2012, 23:25
Re: 3D text question - by Lynn - 07.07.2012, 23:26

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