This wierd road at SF


At my prev topic,I just edited it, I was asking what was those wierd roads at SF but I got my answer,I didn't want to create a new topic,so let's discuss wierd things around GTA-SA. Because the thread is changing its route

Guys,I have been wondering for a long time,this road is next to SF bridge,and it has one road up and one road under it.

Anybody know what is this? It doesnt lead anywhere,it isn't starting from an ordinary place,is it a map bug?

Look ingame aswell.

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Messages In This Thread
Wierd things Around GTA-SA(Edited from wierd road at SF) - by Tamer - 07.07.2012, 17:14
Re: This wierd road at SF - by Makaveli93 - 07.07.2012, 17:27
Re: This wierd road at SF - by [jS]Thomas - 07.07.2012, 17:41
Re: This wierd road at SF - by weedarr - 07.07.2012, 17:47
Re: This wierd road at SF - by Tamer - 07.07.2012, 19:07
Re: This wierd road at SF - by Steven82 - 07.07.2012, 19:46
Re: This wierd road at SF - by sherlock - 07.07.2012, 19:48
Re: This wierd road at SF - by [jS]Thomas - 07.07.2012, 19:51
Re: This wierd road at SF - by Steven82 - 07.07.2012, 19:54
Re: This wierd road at SF - by davve95 - 07.07.2012, 20:01

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