help in Pickup

pawn Код:
new health;
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
if(gTeam[playerid] != gTeam[killerid])
new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y,Z);
health = CreatePickup(1240, 2, X,Y,Z, -1);
else return SendClientMessage(killerid, COLOR_RED,"You have Killed your Own Team Mate!"); //your wish you want to add this line or not.
Now OnPlayerPickUpPickup
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
if(pickupid == health)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN,"Good Job you have killed your enemy and spawned health pickup!");
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100.0);
return 1;

Messages In This Thread
help in Pickup - by kings24 - 07.07.2012, 09:10
Re: help in Pickup - by Jarnu - 07.07.2012, 09:21

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