[GameMode] Simple Team_DeathMatch Script v1.0

Hello SAMP community, this is my first release on the forums for a gamemode
this script includes

Pre-scripted teams
Pre-Scripted Zones
Pre-Scripted Class Select
You must add your own spawn cords for the other five teams

Adding In v2.0
registration system (add this on your own if you want to)
ranking system(with textdraw and 3d text)
Saving Stats(add now if wished to)
Gun System(add yourself if wanted in v1)

Please do not release this or make mirrors of this script doing so is stupid and makes you a noob that cannot
script im releasing this to making it easier for the new scripters

1. Right-click on Download and select Save link as...
2. Open DM.pwn using Pawno.exe
3. Edit What you want
4. Hit f5, click on the blue arrow, or go to Build and click on Compile.
5. Go to your server directory, and edit server.cfg the way you want it.

Messages In This Thread
Simple Team_DeathMatch Script v1.0 - by zT KiNgKoNg - 07.07.2012, 04:45
Re: Simple Team_DeathMatch Script v1.0 - by TheLazySloth - 07.07.2012, 05:00
Re: Simple Team_DeathMatch Script v1.0 - by shayan122 - 07.07.2012, 05:03
Re: Simple Team_DeathMatch Script v1.0 - by TheLazySloth - 07.07.2012, 05:04
Re: Simple Team_DeathMatch Script v1.0 - by zT KiNgKoNg - 07.07.2012, 09:30
Re: Simple Team_DeathMatch Script v1.0 - by Elysian` - 07.07.2012, 10:25
Re: Simple Team_DeathMatch Script v1.0 - by zT KiNgKoNg - 07.07.2012, 12:36
Re: Simple Team_DeathMatch Script v1.0 - by Edu33 - 07.07.2012, 13:11
Re: Simple Team_DeathMatch Script v1.0 - by Littlehelper - 07.07.2012, 13:22

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