06.07.2012, 21:53
Yes, you are rigth. That was only for testing, because I cut a part above the for loop (But this part doesn't caused the problem). I changed the size of the integers to 11, but I have still the same problem.
This code works, but I won't use it because for this I use sscanf:
Yes, you are rigth. That was only for testing, because I cut a part above the for loop (But this part doesn't caused the problem). I changed the size of the integers to 11, but I have still the same problem.
This code works, but I won't use it because for this I use sscanf:
sscanf(string, "p<|>dds[10]dddddddffffffffs[24]s[24]s[24]ddddddddddddddddd", Vehicle[i][ID], Vehicle[i][Status], Vehicle[i][Plate], Vehicle[i][Model], Vehicle[i][FractionID], Vehicle[i][JobID], Vehicle[i][Noob], Vehicle[i][Locked], Vehicle[i][Towed], Vehicle[i][Tunable], Vehicle[i][X1], Vehicle[i][Y1], Vehicle[i][Z1], Vehicle[i][A1], Vehicle[i][X2], Vehicle[i][Y2], Vehicle[i][Z2], Vehicle[i][A2], Vehicle[i][Owner], Vehicle[i][Key1], Vehicle[i][Key2], Vehicle[i][Color1], Vehicle[i][Color2], Vehicle[i][Paintjob], Vehicle[i][T0], Vehicle[i][T1], Vehicle[i][T2], Vehicle[i][T3], Vehicle[i][T4], Vehicle[i][T5], Vehicle[i][T6], Vehicle[i][T7], Vehicle[i][T8], Vehicle[i][T9], Vehicle[i][T10], Vehicle[i][T11], Vehicle[i][T12], Vehicle[i][T13]);