Inherited a few servers today...

Sell most of them. I'm disposing of them for my employer and giving a good chunk of money back. Before we'd pay someone to take them, then they'd sell them and we'd get nothing back. Now I'm selling them, and giving a fair-sized portion back (and keeping an even fairer portion for myself )

Giving money back wasn't even their idea. I didn't feel right taking all of that and NOT giving anything back from the proceeds.

Messages In This Thread
Inherited a few servers today... - by kaisersouse - 06.07.2012, 21:03
Re: Inherited a few servers today... - by Moh_ - 06.07.2012, 21:06
Re: Inherited a few servers today... - by kaisersouse - 06.07.2012, 21:10
Re: Inherited a few servers today... - by Face9000 - 06.07.2012, 21:12
Re: Inherited a few servers today... - by Moh_ - 06.07.2012, 21:12
Re: Inherited a few servers today... - by kaisersouse - 06.07.2012, 21:14
Re: Inherited a few servers today... - by tiernantheman - 06.07.2012, 21:15
Re: Inherited a few servers today... - by FireCat - 06.07.2012, 21:28
Re: Inherited a few servers today... - by kaisersouse - 06.07.2012, 21:29
Re: Inherited a few servers today... - by FireCat - 06.07.2012, 21:34

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