Very big problem please help me

Ok so i am going to try and explain this aswell as i can

At the top of my script i have this

pawn Код:
new truck;
So i have a truck that i that is made in "InGameModeInInt" like this "truck = AddStaticVehicle(.....)

Well i try to get in the vehicle and it just wont let me i assume as soon as it spawns it sets the vehicle to CarGroup 0 and i have this in "OnPlayerEnterVehicle"

pawn Код:
if(Vehicles[vehicleid][CarGroup] != 0 && Vehicles[vehicleid][CarGroup] != Player[playerid][Group])
        if(ispassenger == 0)
That bit of code there makes it so if your not in a faction you cant get in a faction vehicle

It wont let me get into the truck atall even though its a static vehicle i have tried adding

pawn Код:
Vehicles[truck][CarGroup] = 0;
In "OnGameModeInIt" but it still did not work

If you need any more code just ask

Please help


What im asking is how can i make it so i can enter the vehicle...

Messages In This Thread
Very big problem please help me - by Euan Hughes - 06.07.2012, 20:14
Re: Very big problem please help me - by Steven82 - 06.07.2012, 20:17
Re: Very big problem please help me - by Euan Hughes - 06.07.2012, 20:19
Re: Very big problem please help me - by iGetty - 06.07.2012, 20:24
Re: Very big problem please help me - by Euan Hughes - 06.07.2012, 20:27
Re: Very big problem please help me - by Euan Hughes - 06.07.2012, 21:06
Re: Very big problem please help me - by CmZxC - 06.07.2012, 22:08
Re: Very big problem please help me - by coole210 - 06.07.2012, 22:10

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