How to add more skins to classid plz help

thanks alot guys you are on my rep+++ list and i figure it out my self but thanks for your support
i hadded to couse the skin and i count them there were 60

so i change this


case 17 .. 60:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~CIVILIAN~n~~r~CHOOSE A JOB WHEN YOU SPAWN", 3000, 5);


i put 12 more skins and 12 + 60 = 72

case 17 .. 72:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~CIVILIAN~n~~r~CHOOSE A JOB WHEN YOU SPAWN", 3000, 5);

and now it works great thanks to you guys who gave me the idea and yaa really help alot and remember u are on my repp++ list cuzz when i bee one of those good scripter i have yaa back and you will get Rep++ i can promise you guys that

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