Admin (On Duty) HELP!

In order for us to provide you help, you would need to basivally give us the whole gamemode because there are other parts of your script that might have connections to it.

Messages In This Thread
Admin (On Duty) HELP! - by PhoeNiX778 - 06.07.2012, 11:57
Re: Admin (On Duty) HELP! - by jaami - 06.07.2012, 12:07
Re: Admin (On Duty) HELP! - by [FSaF]Jarno - 06.07.2012, 12:11
Re: Admin (On Duty) HELP! - by jaami - 06.07.2012, 12:15
Re: Admin (On Duty) HELP! - by [FSaF]Jarno - 30.07.2012, 07:08

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