2 Errors that i doesn`t know solve them

Find OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint in your script, and remove it. If it clashes with your script and is really needed for it, try adding it to the JunkBuster.inc file. Example: I have new string[256]; above OnGameModeInit, but I put another new string[18]; in another function like OnPlayerSpawn. That is why this error is happening. Find your "mod" line and delete one of them, or make it global.

Messages In This Thread
2 Errors that i doesn`t know solve them - by RayBan - 06.07.2012, 01:10
Re: 2 Errors that i doesn`t know solve them - by clarencecuzz - 06.07.2012, 01:25
Re: 2 Errors that i doesn`t know solve them - by RayBan - 06.07.2012, 01:26
Re: 2 Errors that i doesn`t know solve them - by clarencecuzz - 06.07.2012, 01:51

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