Plese help AttachObjectToVehicle

Hello guys, please help with "AttachObjctToVehicle", I have object coordinates on the car, but I don't know, how to make object on the car.

I want to do:

Light coordinates is: "AttachObjectToVehicle(objectid, vehicleid, 0.000000, 0.199999, 1.099999, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000);"

Vehicle ID is: 490

Object ID is: 19420

Please help me do it.

Sorry for spelling

Messages In This Thread
Plese help AttachObjectToVehicle - by R1cardas7 - 05.07.2012, 18:45
Re: Plese help AttachObjectToVehicle - by TheLazySloth - 05.07.2012, 20:45
Re: Plese help AttachObjectToVehicle - by R1cardas7 - 05.07.2012, 22:03
Re: Plese help AttachObjectToVehicle - by kaloqn54 - 05.07.2012, 22:05
Re: Plese help AttachObjectToVehicle - by R1cardas7 - 05.07.2012, 22:08
Re: Plese help AttachObjectToVehicle - by kaloqn54 - 05.07.2012, 22:09
Re: Plese help AttachObjectToVehicle - by kaloqn54 - 05.07.2012, 22:12
Re: Plese help AttachObjectToVehicle - by R1cardas7 - 05.07.2012, 22:27
Re: Plese help AttachObjectToVehicle - by kaloqn54 - 05.07.2012, 22:28
Re: Plese help AttachObjectToVehicle - by R1cardas7 - 05.07.2012, 22:40

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