MYSQL debug says saved, but nothing is saved

Hi everyone,

I have a strange problem with my MYSQL saving system....
The MYSQL debug says, that everything is succesfully executed and that there were no errors.
But when i look into the database, nothing has changed.

Here is the MYSQL debug:
[13:21:14] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:21:14] CMySQLHandler::Query(UPDATE Users SET Money = '5999', Level = '1', Admin = '6', Helper = '1', VipLevel = '0', Skin = '240', Kills = '0', Deaths = '0', Muted = '0', Cell = '0', Cigs = '0', Watch = '0', Mask = '0', GasCan = '0', Sprunk = '0', Stereo = '0', GoldCoins = '0', PaymentMethod = '0', DriversLic = '0', WeaponLic = '0', HeavyVLic = '0', PilotLic = '0', BlockedPM = '0',Proposing = '0',Warnings = '0',Exp = '0'WHERE Username = '') - Successfully executed.

[13:21:14] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:21:14] CMySQLHandler::Query(UPDATE Users SET Phonebook = '0'WHERE Username = 'Jari_Johnson') - Successfully executed.
As you can see the debug says that 5999 money is written in the dabatabse, but in fact, there is still 5000...

Anyone experienced the same problem?

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