Gamemode Script Layout


I've recently started development of a new gamemode/server and while originally the layout was okay, as it's building up more and more code it seems to be working less.

I have this issue where when I want to script something new, for example let's say I want to script some random weapon pickups - I need three things. The array of data, the creation and the OnPlayerPickUpPickup. First thing I do is the array - but I start to go 'WHERE DO I PUT THE ARRAY DO I PUT IT ABOVE ALL THE OTHERS OR AT THE BOTTOM OR A NEW SECTION FOR WEAPON PICKUPS OR WHAT' and yeah.

This is the current roughly layout of my gamemode (FROM MEMORY):






Custom Functions

mySQL query callbacks


and I guess that's okay, but I seem to be losing track of where everything is.

Also I split my callbacks up in to sections, so like in OnGameModeInit I would do something like

Initial setup (DisableEnterExits and that sort of thing)
mySQL connection

So yeah, let's discuss layout options. What do you do? What could I do to improve?
I know some people put different systems in different files and #include them, but I think that'd be a bit of a ballache. Instead of saying 'oh I need to add a new weapon to my weapon pickups, I'll just Ctrl+F and find the array and add it in' you'd have to find out what file it's in, find that file in your /include folder then Ctrl+F through that.

I dunno, it would make it more organized I guess. I'm also developing this server with another person (blewert \o/) and we need a way to contribute to the script at the same time. I guess having systems in separate files then including them would make our lives easier.

Messages In This Thread
Gamemode Script Layout - by MP2 - 04.07.2012, 20:36
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Kyle - 04.07.2012, 20:38
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Vince - 04.07.2012, 21:05
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by ReneG - 04.07.2012, 22:30
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by TheChaoz - 05.07.2012, 02:23
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by MP2 - 05.07.2012, 03:13
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by [ABK]Antonio - 05.07.2012, 03:51
Respuesta: Gamemode Script Layout - by TheChaoz - 05.07.2012, 04:36
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Vince - 05.07.2012, 07:53
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by MadeMan - 05.07.2012, 16:58
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by AndreT - 07.07.2012, 15:25
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Finn - 07.07.2012, 16:46
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Lorenc_ - 07.07.2012, 17:49
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by ReneG - 07.07.2012, 18:01
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Y_Less - 07.07.2012, 23:19
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by DeathTone - 07.07.2012, 23:22
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by MP2 - 08.07.2012, 01:37
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by JoBullet - 08.07.2012, 02:42
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by MP2 - 08.07.2012, 02:53
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Simon - 08.07.2012, 06:23
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by iggy1 - 08.07.2012, 09:35
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by eesh - 09.07.2012, 05:47
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by DiDok - 10.07.2012, 11:01
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Ada32 - 04.03.2014, 02:19
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by ColeMiner - 04.03.2014, 11:05
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Ceathor - 11.03.2014, 09:39
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by [HLF]Southclaw - 11.03.2014, 09:48
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by ColeMiner - 11.03.2014, 10:35
Respuesta: Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Gryphus One - 12.03.2014, 02:53
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by ColeMiner - 12.03.2014, 17:35
Respuesta: Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Gryphus One - 13.03.2014, 00:19
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Bertie - 29.07.2014, 19:49
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Y_Less - 29.07.2014, 20:50
Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Bertie - 29.07.2014, 21:59
Respuesta: Re: Gamemode Script Layout - by Gryphus One - 29.07.2014, 23:45

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