Needed help on formating Cash

What you don't understand is that variables in PAWN are 32-bits.

2,147,483,647 is the maximum value for a 32-bit signed integer (signed meaning they can take negative numbers also).

There's no way around this, unless you use a string - store the 'billions' in one variable and the rest in another, but you'll NEVER be able to convert it to an integer.

Sooooooo instead of

cash = 2147483647

you'll have to do

cash_billions = 2
cash = 147483647

or something.

Messages In This Thread
Needed help on formating Cash - by Tigerkiller - 03.07.2012, 15:29
Re: Needed help on formating Cash - by Vince - 03.07.2012, 15:34
AW: Needed help on formating Cash - by Tigerkiller - 03.07.2012, 15:36
Re: Needed help on formating Cash - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 03.07.2012, 16:49
Re: Needed help on formating Cash - by Vince - 03.07.2012, 17:13
Re: Needed help on formating Cash - by Roko_foko - 03.07.2012, 17:45
Re: Needed help on formating Cash - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 04.07.2012, 03:28
Re: Needed help on formating Cash - by Shelby - 04.07.2012, 03:40
Re: Needed help on formating Cash - by [KHK]Khalid - 04.07.2012, 04:03
Re: Needed help on formating Cash - by MP2 - 04.07.2012, 05:11

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