03.07.2012, 14:59
Thought the same, the only things thats missing is just synced aiming, too bad that it seems impossible with rec files.
I like working on this so much that im not even using it for my own scripts these days. I was waiting for something like this for ages
(I like this code I wrote for the wiki page, so Ill jsut repost it here as its the best possible tutorial )
I like working on this so much that im not even using it for my own scripts these days. I was waiting for something like this for ages
(I like this code I wrote for the wiki page, so Ill jsut repost it here as its the best possible tutorial )
pawn Code:
RNPC_CreateBuild(npcid, PLAYER_RECORDING_ONFOOT); // start build mode
RNPC_SetWeaponID(32); // Set weapon
RNPC_AddPause(500); // wait a bit
RNPC_AddMovement(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 20.0, 0.0); // start moving
RNPC_ConcatMovement(0.0, 20.0, 0.0); // Continue walking
RNPC_AddPause(200); // wait a bit again
RNPC_SetKeys(128); // aim straight forward
RNPC_SetKeys(128 + 4); // Start shooting straight forward
for (new i = 0; i < 360; i+=20) {
// Makes the NPC rotate slowly
RNPC_SetAngleQuats(0.0, i, 0.0);
RNPC_SetKeys(128); // stop shooting
RNPC_SetKeys(0); // stop aiming
RNPC_FinishBuild(); // end the build mode and finish the build