Why does this not save the car color

Originally Posted by Euan Hughes
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Is this bad ?

When i tried it on my own car it worked but when someone else tried it it did not work
Its not bad (I guess), its just Im used that vehicle info is stored into vehicle's enum. Anyway, do you save those variables upon disconnect? If so, please show the code where you save the colors.

Messages In This Thread
Why does this not save the car color - by Euan Hughes - 02.07.2012, 18:34
Re: Why does this not save the car color - by Universal - 02.07.2012, 18:44
Re: Why does this not save the car color - by Euan Hughes - 02.07.2012, 18:46
Re: Why does this not save the car color - by Universal - 02.07.2012, 18:49

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