Logitech G500 gaming mouse

Looks like either the driver failed to load, or your USB slot stopped working. Try using another USB slot (possibly on the front of the computer, because this uses a different motherboard connection than the back).

To get your driver sorted out, do the following (assuming you have Windows 7):

Start > Right click Computer > Properties / settings (either of these, I don't have the English version) > Device management > Mouses and other input devices > Right click the correct mouse > Tab 'Driver' > Delete

If you re-plug your mouse, the driver will be installed again. This makes sure you have no broken software.

I hope this helped.

Messages In This Thread
Logitech G500 gaming mouse - by Jay. - 02.07.2012, 08:04
Re: Logitech G500 gaming mouse - by HB - 02.07.2012, 08:49
Re: Logitech G500 gaming mouse - by Jay. - 02.07.2012, 09:02

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