02.07.2012, 00:19
Use this!
I hope this is useful for you
pawn Код:
new expireDays = (86400*days)+gettime();
// Example, I want the vip expire in 30 days.
dini_IntSet(account, "donatorExpire", (86400*30)+gettime());
// Checking if already pass 30 days
new atualTimer = dini_Int(account, "donatorExpire");
if( atualTimer < gettime() ){
// Your donator is out!
else {
new iRandomTime = (atualTimer-gettime())+gettime();
format(string, 128, "Your donator will expire in %d days", timec(iRandomTime));
/// End of gm
stock timec(timestamp, compare = -1) {
if (compare == -1) {
compare = gettime();
// on the following line, I have removed the need for the diff() function.
// if you want to use the diff() function in pawn, replace the following with:
// Float:d = diff(timestamp, compare),
Float:d = (timestamp > compare) ? timestamp - compare : compare - timestamp,
if (d < 60) {
format(returnstr, sizeof(returnstr), "< 1 minuto");
return returnstr;
} else if (d < 3600) { // 3600 = 1 hour
n = floatround(floatdiv(d, 60.0), floatround_floor);
format(returnstr, sizeof(returnstr), "minuto");
} else if (d < 86400) { // 86400 = 1 day
n = floatround(floatdiv(d, 3600.0), floatround_floor);
format(returnstr, sizeof(returnstr), "hora");
} else if (d < 2592000) { // 2592000 = 1 month
n = floatround(floatdiv(d, 86400.0), floatround_floor);
format(returnstr, sizeof(returnstr), "dia");
} else if (d < 31536000) { // 31536000 = 1 year
n = floatround(floatdiv(d, 2592000.0), floatround_floor);
format(returnstr, sizeof(returnstr), "mкs");
} else {
n = floatround(floatdiv(d, 31536000.0), floatround_floor);
format(returnstr, sizeof(returnstr), "ano");
if (n == 1) {
format(returnstr, sizeof(returnstr), "1 %s", returnstr);
} else {
format(returnstr, sizeof(returnstr), "%d %ss", n, returnstr);
return returnstr;