United States future and things that must be changed.

Originally Posted by Rafay
Economy of U.S got owned due to banks.
it got owned due to greed. Nothing more.

Junk investments that consisted of high-risk loans were rated as "AAA" when they shouldve been "C". If they were C, nobody wouldve bought them. Since they were AAA people flocked to invest money in them. The companies that OVER rated them rate things on a per diem basis...so the more stuff they rate high the more business they get.

Add deregulation to that and you have lots of rich people doing cunning things to make themselves richer.

We do not need million $ McMansions
We do not need to own an Escalade
We do not need to take our children to tropical islands during school break

This country has lost its way in the sense that people have been taking the word "want' and bending it to meet their definition of "need".

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