[FilterScript] [0.3e] Dynamic ATM System [zcmd, SQLite, streamer]

Dynamic ATM System


  • The ability to create, edit, destroy ATMs dynamically in game.
  • Server sided money. (makes money impossible to hack)
  • Money saving system. Players' bank accounts, and their hand cash are stored in an SQLite database in the scriptfiles folder so no need for another include.
  • ATMs are also stored in an SQLite database in the scriptfiles folder.
/adeposit - Deposits the specified amount into a player's bank account
/awithdraw - Withdraws the specified amount from a player's account
/abalance - Displays the amount of money in a player's account.
/atmhelp - Displays all the available commands.

/createatm - Creates a dynamic ATM directly in front of the player (Admin-Only)
/editatm - Opens up the object editing tool to edit the closest ATM to the player. (Admin-Only)
/destroyatm - Destroys the nearest ATM. (Admin-Only)
(since the video was in crappy quality)
1/07/2012 - v1.0
  • Released the script.
25/7/2012 - v1.1
  • Possibly fixed the commands.
  • Added db_close on filterscript exit. (stupid me)
Zeex for his ZCMD include
Incognito for his streamer plugin.
VincentDunn for writing the script.
Note: Since this script is so simple, I really don't care what you do with it. Post any bugs/questions below. Enjoy.

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